Laura's 3-Day Journey to fight cancer
Approximately 500 American woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer TODAY
1 out of 9 women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.... The weekend of April 12, 2002, I'll be participating in a very special and powerful event in the fight against breast cancer. It's called the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day I will walk 60 miles from Carlsbad to San Diego with 3000 other courageous people. Twenty miles each day, stopping at night to sleep in makeshift campgrounds set up by the sponsor of the event. Most of the 3000 people I will be walking with have lost a loved one to breast cancer. Throughout the walk, names will be shared, stories will be told and tears will flow. I am walking for me...for you...for my loved ones and for yours... All walkers are committed raise $1900 before they can walk . Your donation may enable someone to survive.The net proceeds from the event will support non-profit breast health programs in every region of the country, and the medical research on breast cancer. I am walking everyday and will have walked over 800 miles training for this event. I hope you will consider sponsoring me in this incredible event and significant cause with a fully tax-deductible contribution. The deadline to reach the goal of $1900.00 is March 15th, 2002. In the links area of this website is the link for online donations , don't forget my walker number 2962. Please visit my web page often and follow my progress. And please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity. Laura Inal Walker #SD2962 PS: Please do me a favor by telling five people that you know, that I do not, about this pledge page and ask them for their support as well. I appreciate your efforts. |